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Greenberg, Jason, Daniel B. Sands, Gino Cattani, and Joseph Porac. (Online first.) “Ratings Systems and Increased Heterogeneity in Business Performance: Evidence from the New York City Restaurant Industry, 1994 – 2013.” Strategic Management Journal. 


Bian, Jiang, Jason Greenberg, Jizhen Li, and Yanbo Wang. 2021. “Good to Go First? Position Effects in Expert 

Evaluation of Early-Stage Ventures.” Management Science. 68(1): 300-15.


Greenberg, Jason. 2021. "Social Network Positions, Peer Effects, and Evaluation Updating: An Experimental

Test in the Entrepreneurial Context." Organization Science. 32(5): 1174-92.


Sands, Daniel, Gino Cattani, Joe Porac, and Jason Greenberg. 2021. "Competition as Sensemaking." Pp. 26-

47 in Stefan Arora-Jonsson et al. (eds.) Competition: What It Is and Why it Happens. Oxford University Press.


Greenberg, Jason. 2019. “What’s Alter Got to do with It? A Consideration of Network Content and the Social

Ties that Provide It.” Sociological Theory 37(3): 293-314.


Greenberg, Jason. 2019. “Inequality and Crowdfunding.” Pp. 303 – 322 in Annaleena Parhankangas, 

Colin Maon, and Hands Landstrὂm (eds.) Handbook of Research on Crowdfunding. Edward Elgar.


Greenberg, Jason. 2019. “Social Relations and the Performance of Different Startup Types: 

The Networks Don't Lie.” Pp. 135 - 155 in Sharon Matusik and Jeff Reuer (eds.) 

Entrepreneurship and Collaboration. Oxford University Press. 


Cattani, Gino, Daniel Sands, Joe Porac, and Jason Greenberg. 2018. “Competitive Sensemaking in Value

Creation and Capture.” Strategy Science 3(4): 632-57.


Greenberg, Jason and Ethan Mollick. 2017. “Activist Choice Homophily and the Crowdfunding of Female

Founders.” Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): 341-74.


     -Winner, Administrative Science Quarterly Award for Scholarly Contribution, 2023 


     -Winner, Academy of Management Outstanding Publication in OB, 2017 


Eason, John M., L. Ash Smith, Jason Greenberg, Richard D. Abel, and Corey Sparks. 2017. “Crime, 

Punishment, and Spatial Inequality.” In Ann R. Tickameyer, Jennifer Sherman, and Jennifer 

Warlick (eds). Rural Poverty in the United States. Columbia University Press. 


Greenberg, Jason and Roberto M. Fernandez. 2016. “The Strength of Weak Ties in MBA Job Search: A

Within-Person Test.” Sociological Science 3: 296-316.


Canales, Rodrigo and Jason Greenberg, Jason. 2016. “A Matter of (Relational) Style: Loan Officer 

Consistency in Contract Enforcement in Microfinance.” Management Science 62(4): 1202-24. 


Greenberg, Jason. 2014. “What You Care about or What You Know: Which Mechanism Explains the Intergenerational Transmission of Business Ownership Expectations?” Research in the Sociology of Work 25: 85-126.


Fernandez, Roberto M. and Jason Greenberg. 2013. “Race, Network Hiring, and Statistical               

Discrimination.” Research in the Sociology of Work 24: 81-102.

Papers under revision invitation


Greenberg, Jason and Christopher Liu. “Freedom to Act? Strategic Peer Evaluation, Negative

Relationships and Brokerage.” Organization Science.


Greenberg, Jason and Ethan Mollick. “Strangers on a Founding Team: Lifeblood or Liability?” 

Social Forces. 


Greenberg, Jason, Venkat Kuppuswamy, and Ethan Mollick “Gender, Hubris, and Interpretation of Signals in Crowdfunding." Strategic Management Journal.


Greenberg, Jason. "Parental Business Ownership Moderates Their Children’s Miscalibration of Likely Returns to Self-employment and Entry Choice." Journal of Business Venturing. 


Greenberg, Jason. “Overconfidence in Earnings Ability and Self-employment.” Strategic 

Entrepreneurship Journal.

Under review or in preparation for submission

Greenberg, Jason and David. M.J. Lazer. "When and Why 'Alter' Cedes the Brokerage Position: A Relational Perspective."


Greenberg, Jason and Ethan Mollick. “Sole Survivors: Solo Ventures Versus Founding Teams.” 


Greenberg, Jason, Matt Marx, and Abraham Oshtose. “The Gig Economy in Historical Context: A 

Longitudinal Analysis of the Population of the U.S. Self-employed, 1998- 2014.”


Greenberg, Jason, Yanbo Wang, Jizhan Li, and Jiang Bian. “Gender Composition and the Evaluation of Innovative Ideas.”


Greenberg, Jason. “Chatbots in Strategic Management Research: A Peer Effect Experiment.”


Greenberg, Jason and John M. Eason. “Trading Places? Decreasing (Increasing) Murder Rates 

in Urban (Rural) America, 1975 - 2005.” 


Greenberg, Jason. “When Opportunity Moves to You: An Analysis of the Mechanisms Linking 

Geographic, Economic, Institutional, and Social Space with Entrepreneurship.”

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